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Presentation of the book edited by Gaia Giuliani, Manuela Galetto e Chiara Martucci

by Esc Atelier Autogestito – Laboratorio Infosex



For a long time it is in action a tsunami that overwhelms the traditional models of couple, sexuality and gender role. Rather than attending the quite to count the victims, the authors of this book ride its waves, returning stories of eccentric experiences, fluid, manifold and in continuous change.

Even though different for disciplinary position and narrative form, the contributions here collected are associated by an explicit self-reflective positioning, on the background of the great contradictions and transformations of our time. The resulting is a polyphony of voices that gives back an original and articulate vision of affects, desire, gender role and sexuality lived in a context of economical and existential precariousness.


Reflections and researches of a coral work which aims not only to portray and analyze the existing, but suggests the necessary strategies for calling it into question, evocating a dimension f thinking and acting which moves from and individual way to a collective one, thus assuming a social and a political significance.   






presentation of the book

GendErotica 2015 is COMING


Ecco l'immagine di GendErotica 2015!


Grafica di Federica Italiano.


La mutanda dentata è una creazione artistica di Lara Bia


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