GendErotica is... coming!
GendErotica 2015 è il passo successivo inevitabile e necessario di GendErotica Fem della scorsa edizione. Il progetto nasce da quell’immaginario, dalle sue suggestioni e dalle contraddizioni che ha aperto. E’ evidente, anche nella comunità queer, la difficoltà viscerale a rapportarsi con la Queer Femininity, perché l’immaginario (e i preconcetti) con cui ci si scontra/confronta sono quelli del femminile etero normato.

GendErotica è no-profit, totalmente autoprodotta, autogestita e organizzata, vive del finanziamento dal basso e del sostegno di tutte quelle persone, associazioni, movimenti, collettivi, che hanno visto nel festival uno specchio in cui riflettersi per spostare il pensiero, moltiplicare le riflessioni, decostruire le semplificazioni. Per realizzare questo ambizioso progetto, abbiamo bisogno di chiunque abbia voglia di sporcarsi le mani con noi. Abbiamo bisogno di un gesto di complicità. Anche perché GendErotica sarà un luogo molto molto divertente in cui stare…
work in progress site

Esc atelier
ROMA 22-24 maggio 2015

eyes wild drag
Shelly Stefan (Usa)
Emma Allegretti (Italy)
PRINCESS, PLEASE (performance)
" Faux Princess " is a live art / performance that combines the use of multimedia, dubbing and dance to analyse how gender identities have been constructed by society . Using iconic imagery, such as famous actresses, Disney and Paris Hilton as reference points by then revisit and which offer a new voice .
Graduated from Goldsmiths in London Emma Allegretti uses theater and live art to explore the image and the representation of gender in popular culture . It is part of the theater company Sigmund 's Baby with which she performed for the Archive Queer Italy to London and to the gallery The Flying Dutchman Franko B. In 2014 he participated in the Rome Fringe Festival with his artistic performance Ode to the Owl and the Fringe Festival of Edinburgh .
Andy Gio (Italy)
I LOVE SHOPPING (performance)
A female voice is recorded, telling about her life in first person. From the youth until the third age. She resumes the whole life in a week and through the things she buys, compulsively, every single day: bags, clothes, accessories, creams, gym hours, the car etc... during the rolling of her life she will have time to think, making mistakes, to change her path, to make different choices, alternating comedy and tragedy.
The actress outfit is an original creation by “tagli fatti dal fuoco” by Valentina Cencetti.
Andy Gio started her artistic path very early in her age, with experimental theatre and she worked with various companies in Italy, such as Teatro delle Albe and others. From 2008 to 2011 she's the front-woman of “Tette Biscottate”, a punk-rock-sdrumm group. During this period she moves to Berlin working in the theatre together with Dokumentar Theater company and the Volksbühne company. In the last years she is developing a performance in the shape of artistic form, linking together music and theatre, her great passions. Andy Gio's work was born from the gender identity ad takes the boby work as a foundation of her practice. She is also an athlete, a biker and a tanguera.
Michelle Jazzie Biolley (Switzerland)
Impressions from the Zuerich Queer Scene. Binz squat, Suendikat.ch
by Michelle Jazzie Biolley, gender activist and video & photo artist.
Henriette Hellstern (Denmark)
It is time to tell the truth. Everybodys talking about it, was it was it not? "Shocking revelation" has got the answer. It was the artist Henriette Hellstern that danced in Flashdance, not Jennifer Beals. Or is it just a mad woman jumping around in her living room? Is it always beautiful heterosexual women performing in movies, or is the time right for fat homosexual performance artists, without many skills? The truth must come out.
Domestic Dancer investigates the power distribution and the boundaries between a heterosexual couple, all performed by a lesbian woman. No matter how much the wife does and however sexy she is, the husband is bored. She even dances Twerk, ”like she is fucking something”, but nothing really seems to satisfy his desires.
Henriette Hellstern-Kjoeller a queer artist from Denmark. For years now, she has worked for better conditions for all kinds of people. Her artwork is often described as humoristic but deadly serious. Her body is her main focus, she uses her inner thoughts and gut feeling as a channel for expressive art in all kind of materials. It is an honest art. An art that wants to communicate and, in maybe a naive way, wants to change the world to a more kind and open space.
Andrea Iacomino (Italy)
NINI' (performance)
Laura Laakso (Italy)
N° VARIAZIONI SUL TEMA (performance)
It's a performance based on a personal research about body movement and emotional/emphatetic expression. In twenty years i crossed several styles of dance. From the funky teen movement to the mature breakdance, until approach to Butoh and Physical theatre, never forgetting the tekno dancefloor, for sure. It's in those variations of movements that i want to explore the variations about gender, to feel how can be physically impossible to define the gender such as point A female, point B male. Between those two points there is a series of infinite variations.
Laura Laakso, Rome 1979, is a video_editor_operator that try to keep on going her big passions for dance, acting and transfeminism.
Lilly Lablonde – Bibliothèque Erotique e Playgirls from Caracas (Italy)
Erotic Alien Live Show is the result of the encountering between the performer Stefania Minghini (aka Lilly Lablonde) founder of
the performative group “Bibliotheque Erotique” and the Djs-Vjs Annalisa Macagnino and Silvia Rollo founders of the artistic group
"Playgirls from Caracas". Erotic Alien Live Show is a performance that combines erotic literature, eletronic musicand digital graphic drawings.Lilly Lablonde will perform texts written by feminist and queer authors (Monique Wittig,Beatriz Preciado, Audre Lorde, Mario Mieli, ecc.). These texts will evoke signs, sounds and altered voices, generated and played live by Playgirls from Caracas.
LILLY LABLONDE: Performer and queer militant. She is founder of international performative group “Bibliotheque Erotique”, born on 2012 in Amsterdam (Holland). "An international collective that lures its audience with provocative, seductive and deverse forms of eroticisism. Our mission is to bring erotica back to life, combatting superficial, habitual ideas around sexuality through books, exploring more ways that we can cultivate our erotic worlds through new experiences, connections and words"
PLAYGIRLS FROM CARACAS project started in Lecce (South Italy) in 2007 from an idea of Annalisa (visual artist) and Benedetta
(musician and visual artist). An almost “didactic” attitude drives Playgirls to detect precious and trash songs, from RRIOT to
Electroclash, from Songwriting to Pop. They played only female music selection, with provocative videos inspired at art’s world,
post feminist movement and soft porno.From THE BEST FEMALE SELECTION easily derives THE HAPPY SCASCIO HOURS party: this name underlines “NEED FOR FUN” with eccentric transformation, meanwhile the selections became more rich with
“male” songs. In 2009 Gilvia takes part of the crew (musician, multimedial artist), and shares her experience on selections and performance.
MarziaX (Italy)
MarziaX è un’artista sperimentale perché nella vita stessa è alla ricerca. Di un linguaggio che rappresenti e trasmetta, attraverso un’esplorazione in divenire la cui tensione ultima è la comunicazione. La sua passione è cogliere e creare un immaginario altro che sia eccentrico, destabilizzante e liberatorio come lo è per il il femminismo queer libertario. A GendErotica sarà disponibile per immortalare chi lo desidera e proporrà delle foto/cartoline/spillette/slip a sostegno del festival
nita (Italy)
PILLOLE DI PERFO – Assaggi teatrali somministrati a sorpresa (performance)
La Commedia Improvvisamente Queer: esperimento ispirato alla Commedia dell’Arte accorata e bizzarra (di e con Flora & nita)
Sadonaso: innesti post-apocalittici di clownerie e sadomaso (di e con Ambra Stucchi & nita)
nita: attivista e buffona queer
Orlando (Italy)
ORLANDO – the origin (photography)
The work try to go deep into the origin of the path that lead the Artist to the decision to transition from Female to Male. It expresses the inner movements between the awareness of his non-conforming gender and the beginning of the medical therapy. In the series of images the body of the Artist embodies the symbolic and psychological dimensions implied by the choice to transition: confusion, ambivalence, oppression, anger and the loose of identity. In this way the work move the attention from gender as an external appearance to the inner foundations of gender identity. It starts from an autobiographical experience to express the feelings of the many that has decided to transition.
Orlando Myxx was born in the north of Italy in 1974. After a professional career in the CSR field, during which photography was just a hobby, in 2014 decided to devote himself to the visual Art attending a two-year Masterclass on the Contemporary Image held by Fondazione Fotografia in Modena.
www.orlandomyxx.com (in fase di costruzione) - https://www.facebook.com/orlandomyxx - http://orlandomyxx.tumblr.com
Red Bind (France)
[ DOUBLE BIND ] - [ DOUBLE BIND #3 ] - [ UNTITLED #1 ] (video art)
As visual artists working with performance, video, sound and photography, Gilivanka Kedzior and Barbara Friedman analyze the confrontation to otherness and its inter-thematic with subjects such as: social yokes; dominant/dominated relationships; codes and what happens to them out of their context; gender and its limits and ambiguities; issues of the double and of the multiple characters under a single skin; or yet the identity, status and image of Woman. They currently live and work in Toulouse, France.
Here is their work and some inspiring stuff that they love.
Shelly Stefan (Usa)
Shelley Stefan is a queer artist and tenured Associate Professor of Painting and Drawing from the University of the Fraser Valley in British Columbia, Canada. For the past 20 years, Stefan has been making art about queer culture, engaging topics of gender, sexuality, love, taboo, and subcultural identity. She has exhibited and lectured on her work in the USA, Canada, and China, and will visit Italy during Bologna Pride 2015 to offer a public painting performance and slide lecture on the past 2 decades of her work. GendErotica 2015 debuts Stefan’s work in Rome, Italy, featuring selections from 2 bodies of art: Dildonics (Paintings, Drawings, 2002-2003) and Figurations (Monoprints, 2004).
Shelley Stefan was born in 1974 near Chicago, Illinois, USA to parents of Italian and Austrian descent. Her maternal grandmother’s family was originally from the Bologna region and her maternal grandfather’s family were artists from the Belluno area. In 1996, Stefan received her Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Painting and Drawing from the University of Notre Dame, USA. She received her Master of Fine Arts Degree in Studio Art in 2006 from Maine College of Art, USA. Shelley Stefan has been involved in several public projects on the topic of art for social change and is Department Head of the Visual Arts Department at the University of
the Fraser Valley, in British Columbia, Canada where she lives and works.
Tango Fem - Linguaggi del Corpo (Italy)
TANGO FEM – TANGO QUEER (installation/performance)
The space is dedicated to the rapresentation, through images, videos and International documentaries, of the queer side of tango argentino. In this space, one after the other, tango actions performed by different artists will take place. Two performers exchange roles, and are transformed by the dance, they are ‘feminine’ or ‘masculine’ in turns, switching between different gender ‘shades’ in a ‘Game of Tango’, which allows each dancer to experiment, in a queer way, a potential scale of gender identities and thus to create a ‘dynamic gender contamination’ of the performance space.
The group Tango Fem-Linguaggi del Corpo, is involved in research and teaching. We organise events about women's issues and gender identity, and address the social aspects through artistic languages, and the practice of social theatre.
Tigrotto (Italy)
ANIMALESQUE (performance)
Performance di danza ridicola sulla tematica dell'attrazione animalesca del sesso e sui tentativi di repressione che sfociano in altre espressioni, fantasie e perversioni. Tigrotto verrà sballottato tra sesso violento e sesso coccoloso da due personaggi animaleschi cercando a suo modo la strada per il piacere.
Federica Tuzi and Cristina Vuolo (Le Spaesaggiste) (Italy)
UN SALOTTO TUTTO PER SE (documentario)
Imagine to evoke Virginia Woolf. You don’t need a séance session: enough a video and an impossibile and exhilarating interview. Imagine Madame de la Fayette. Imagine Lady Oscar. Imagine, as interviewer, a performer that feels tight in the canons of gender and swings along the continuum male/female. Imagine a mix among documentary, performance and academic lecture: an original and very pop formula to tell how women have learned to perform femininity. on the public scene.
Le Spaesaggiste ( Cristina Vuolo and Federica Tuzi ) are especially famous for their television series " Santiago . Even lesbians are pilgrims " which aired on Fox Cult . Former lovers and current friends and roommates, they work together since 1999 and they have many documentaries in their credits ( including "Are you greedy ?” -filmed in Europe , USA and Africa- the first international documentary that deals with a rather interesting question: what women like to do in bed). They also shot a movie with Remo Remotti ( " Winter Journey " ).
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GendErotica 2015 is COMING
Ecco l'immagine di GendErotica 2015!
Grafica di Federica Italiano.
La mutanda dentata è una creazione artistica di Lara Bia