GendErotica is... coming!
GendErotica 2015 è il passo successivo inevitabile e necessario di GendErotica Fem della scorsa edizione. Il progetto nasce da quell’immaginario, dalle sue suggestioni e dalle contraddizioni che ha aperto. E’ evidente, anche nella comunità queer, la difficoltà viscerale a rapportarsi con la Queer Femininity, perché l’immaginario (e i preconcetti) con cui ci si scontra/confronta sono quelli del femminile etero normato.

GendErotica è no-profit, totalmente autoprodotta, autogestita e organizzata, vive del finanziamento dal basso e del sostegno di tutte quelle persone, associazioni, movimenti, collettivi, che hanno visto nel festival uno specchio in cui riflettersi per spostare il pensiero, moltiplicare le riflessioni, decostruire le semplificazioni. Per realizzare questo ambizioso progetto, abbiamo bisogno di chiunque abbia voglia di sporcarsi le mani con noi. Abbiamo bisogno di un gesto di complicità. Anche perché GendErotica sarà un luogo molto molto divertente in cui stare…
work in progress site

Esc atelier
ROMA 22-24 maggio 2015

eyes wild drag
GendErotica is a nonprofit, totally self-produced, self-managed and organized Festival, it happens thanks to crowdfunding and the support of all those people, associations, collectives who recognised to the festival a chance to build new thoughts, new exchanges and rediscuss mainstream views.
GendErotica became a challenge that we won when extraordinary artists decided to come to Rome for free, from Europe and overseas, only accepting the cover of travel/accommodation costs, because they were enthusiastic to join an ambitious project that aims to show art and cultural, political works in a totally accessible way to all.
GendErotica is free access as the spaces open to art and artistic/cultural expreession can not be discriminatory because of economical ability. It's vital to us to claim the right to freely express art, culture, in order to share them out of mainstream frameworks.
GendErotica wants to be a safe space where any diversity can be an added value that is worth respect. To achieve this ambitious project, we need people willing to take this big challenge with us. We need a sign of complicity, and you won’t regret ‘cause GendErotica will be a veeery much fun place where to stay ... We need you too!
We are looking for:
- Beds for our international artists (mainly in San Lorenzo neighbourhood or areas around – but not exclusively)
- People who can drive into roman traffic... (with a personal car, if possible)
- People who enjoy a “roman walk” in the springtime while distributing flyers :)
- People who are able to translate from Italian to English and vice versa (spoken and written)
- People who can be at welcoming desk/subscriptions
- People who wish to help wherever there is the need :)
- People who want to enjoy giving help in a delirious but absolutely unpredictable, involving context
So, if the weeks prior the festival and, in particular, the week 18 to 25 May, you feel you are interested, curious, willing to help us out, send us an email to info@eyeswilddrag.it
We will be very thankful to you and… not by paying you money ...
GendErotica 2015 is COMING
Ecco l'immagine di GendErotica 2015!
Grafica di Federica Italiano.
La mutanda dentata è una creazione artistica di Lara Bia