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Eyes Wild Drag are the creators of GendErotica Festival


Queer gender-drag group based to Rome, Italy, after being among the very first promoters of Italian kinging, Eyes Wild Drag are three women expressing an innovative and original queer drag style in Italy. They work on genders, roles and erotic visionary performances, and represent one of the main drag experience led by women in Italy. They have been performing abroad and around the world in 2012.They have drawn the attention of many national and international medias (Curve Magazine and Broadway World Usa)).

Queer activists and performers, they organize drag shows, workshop and events, promote a queer imaginary of femininity. In 2012 they toured the world, traveling among some European countries and reaching several cities in the US (NY, Philadelphia, Washington). In 2013 they performed at Arte Fiera Verona in the Independent Corner hosted by Cuntemporary (UK).




ewd ftof by Marika Puicher
ewd b/w

GendErotica 2015 is COMING


Ecco l'immagine di GendErotica 2015!


Grafica di Federica Italiano.


La mutanda dentata è una creazione artistica di Lara Bia


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