GendErotica is... coming!
GendErotica 2015 è il passo successivo inevitabile e necessario di GendErotica Fem della scorsa edizione. Il progetto nasce da quell’immaginario, dalle sue suggestioni e dalle contraddizioni che ha aperto. E’ evidente, anche nella comunità queer, la difficoltà viscerale a rapportarsi con la Queer Femininity, perché l’immaginario (e i preconcetti) con cui ci si scontra/confronta sono quelli del femminile etero normato.

GendErotica è no-profit, totalmente autoprodotta, autogestita e organizzata, vive del finanziamento dal basso e del sostegno di tutte quelle persone, associazioni, movimenti, collettivi, che hanno visto nel festival uno specchio in cui riflettersi per spostare il pensiero, moltiplicare le riflessioni, decostruire le semplificazioni. Per realizzare questo ambizioso progetto, abbiamo bisogno di chiunque abbia voglia di sporcarsi le mani con noi. Abbiamo bisogno di un gesto di complicità. Anche perché GendErotica sarà un luogo molto molto divertente in cui stare…
work in progress site

Esc atelier
ROMA 22-24 maggio 2015

eyes wild drag

At 21, newly sober and recently evicted, Valerie Hager is invited by her best friend Raven to work at a strip club in Tijuana, Mexico. An evening that begins in innocence and excitement over making some easy cash seduces her into a 10-year career that tests the limits of friendship and her will to survive.

ARMSIDEA “Bozza Battonz Kabaret”
(Italy/Spain – italian premiere)
Valerie Solanas is primarily remembered for the attempted murder of andy warhol in 1968, in which she seriously wounded him with 3 gunshots. We, in contrast, want to remember her as the author of the s.c.u.m. manifesto, upon which we base our cabaret.
we take s.c.u.m. as a utopian space, as a state of mind. it openly declares war on our society, this soft prison system with invisible walls. furthermore, it attacks the american, or better, western dream and the hegemonic power of heterosexual, rich white men.
Jimmy is trying to quit romance, cold turkey. An exposing, funny and tender look at queer and trans relationships including run-ins with the anti-monogamy police, online dating mishaps and figuring out figuring out whether to throw out or reinvent mainstream relationship ideals. This smart, fast-paced take on dating in an age of social media and technology features visually stunning, highly interactive projections and sound.
SUNNY DRAKE “Transgender Seeking…”
(Australia-Canada – italian premiere, exclusive for GendErotica 2015)
Sold out shows & rave responses in Europe, the USA & Canada

VALERY HAGER “Naked in Alaska”
(Usa – italian premiere, esclusive for GendErotica 2015)
Winner Best Solo Show New York City International Fringe Festival
Winner Audience Favorite Chicago Fringe Festival
"MOMMY IS COMING" by Cheryl Dunye
Winner of Good for Her – Feminist Porn Award 2012
World premiere at 62th Berlinale
Appearance to many International Film Festivals including Melbourne Queer FF, London LGBT FF, Cinemarge Bordeaux, Mix Copenhagen, pornfilmfestivalBerlin
(Germany, 2012, 67’ – Italian premiere)
MOMMY IS COMING is a raunchy queer sex filled romance set in the international creative melting pot Berlin. A take on screwball romantic comedies director Cheryl Duyne adds sexual imagery to her ingenious form of storytelling. Structured like an off beat fairy tale, we follow Claudia (the sexy Papi Coxxx), Dylan (Lil Harlow), and Helen (Maggie Tapert)as they bumble their way through hotels, queer Berlin nightlife and their hearts, only to realize that in matters of love it sometimes pays to listen to your Mommy.

“Some Like it Wrong”
Ingrid Berthon-Moine, Daniela Comani, Cécile Emmanuelle Borra, Stefania Gagliano, Sadie Memphis Hennessy, Lora Hristova, Christa Joo Hyun D’Angelo, Claudia Rossini aka Yamada Hanako, Alice Tatge
“Some Like it Wrong” explores the pornographic image through the lens of humour and indirect representation. The genitals disappear, multiply, become abstract... They are no longer the centrally perceived eroticism of the bodies. The image draws us into its deception, but its content continues to excite. Are the images essentially perverse or do we pervert the image? The works are displayed in unexpected places and ways in order to catch us by surprise.
Curated by Giulia Casalini / CUNTemporary.
"SISTERHOOD" by Marit Östberg
(Germany, 2011, 47’ – italian premiere)

A documentary about making queer feminist porn. Östberg talks to the key participants in the film Share and they discuss their motivations for and experiences of making queer feminist porn
"SHARE" by Marit Östberg
(Germany, 2010, 16’ – italian premiere)

She's longing for her lover. Pictures come to her mind. She sees her lover and her lover's lover, she wants to be where they are.
"GIRL KING" by Ileana Pietrobruno
(Canada, 2002, 80‘)
with Micheal-Ann Connor, Raven Courtney, Victoria Deschanel, Chrystal Donbrath
Original soundtrack by Amon Tobin
Berlin Festival 2003, Mix Milano 2003

A sexy, swashbuckling, gender-bending adventure on the high seas!
"IMMAGINARE T" by Lucia Lorè, Stefania Minghini, Naike Anna Silipo. Directed by Naike Anna Silipo
(Italy, 2014, 16') - Roma's premiere

Recuperate le vostre radici quadrate

From video art to multimedia theatre, from electronic music to performance art, from net.art to photography, there are few areas of contemporary art that have not been explored and ironically subverted by the tentacular operations of CONIGLIOVIOLA: “Renaissance workshop of the digital era” and genuine “brand”.
At GendErotica they are going to present an extract from their last studio album. Recuperate Le Vostre Radici Quadrate gathers a selection of successess from the “most ferocious italian divas of the 80's”
Vincitrice del queer contest "La Queerrida"

Candy Paradise arrives to GendErotica after being hailed as the official queen of Queerrida 2015, the first and only queer contest in the capital, organised by Eyes Wild Drag and HulaHoop Club.
Integrating elements of punk, butoh, prose, pan-African dance, freak-burlesque, folk and conceptual costume, Mad Kate has performed extensively around the world pioneering a unique style that is outspokenly feminist, genderqueer and honest.


Precious and trash songs, from RRIOT to
Electroclash, from Songwriting to Pop. They played only female music selection, with provocative videos inspired at art’s world, post feminist movement and soft porno.

queer feminist - plays female & trans* voices only - because music biz is still dominated by men

Two people, two imaginaries, two parallel universes, unconsciously attracted to each other because of
the mutual usage of testosterone. Andreas is transitioning from female to male. Gea is experimenting her fluid gender identity.This encounter will lead Gea and Andreas to a dialogue with themselves and their choices.
by Shine Louise Houston / Pink & White Productions, 2006
Based on the Award-Winning feminist queer porn The Crash Pad, Queer Filmaker Shine Louise Houston brings to the web authentic female and queer sexuality.
Enter the Crash Pad Series.
video station
GendErotica 2015 is COMING
Ecco l'immagine di GendErotica 2015!
Grafica di Federica Italiano.
La mutanda dentata è una creazione artistica di Lara Bia