GendErotica is... coming!
GendErotica 2015 è il passo successivo inevitabile e necessario di GendErotica Fem della scorsa edizione. Il progetto nasce da quell’immaginario, dalle sue suggestioni e dalle contraddizioni che ha aperto. E’ evidente, anche nella comunità queer, la difficoltà viscerale a rapportarsi con la Queer Femininity, perché l’immaginario (e i preconcetti) con cui ci si scontra/confronta sono quelli del femminile etero normato.

GendErotica è no-profit, totalmente autoprodotta, autogestita e organizzata, vive del finanziamento dal basso e del sostegno di tutte quelle persone, associazioni, movimenti, collettivi, che hanno visto nel festival uno specchio in cui riflettersi per spostare il pensiero, moltiplicare le riflessioni, decostruire le semplificazioni. Per realizzare questo ambizioso progetto, abbiamo bisogno di chiunque abbia voglia di sporcarsi le mani con noi. Abbiamo bisogno di un gesto di complicità. Anche perché GendErotica sarà un luogo molto molto divertente in cui stare…
work in progress site

Esc atelier
ROMA 22-24 maggio 2015

eyes wild drag
"MOMMY IS COMING" di Cheryl Dunye
Winner of Good for Her – Feminist Porn Award 2012
World premiere at 62th Berlinale
Appearance to many International Film Festivals including Melbourne Queer FF, London LGBT FF, Cinemarge Bordeaux, Mix Copenhagen, pornfilmfestivalBerlin
(Germany, 2012, 67’ – Italian premiere)
MOMMY IS COMING is a raunchy queer sex filled romance set in the international creative melting pot Berlin. A take on screwball romantic comedies director Cheryl Duyne adds sexual imagery to her ingenious form of storytelling. Structured like an off beat fairy tale, we follow Claudia (the sexy Papi Coxxx), Dylan (Lil Harlow), and Helen (Maggie Tapert) as they bumble their way through hotels, queer Berlin nightlife and their hearts, only to realize that in matters of love it sometimes pays to listen to your Mommy.
DYLAN, a sexy young Berlin femme, and her lover CLAUDIA, an American dyke hotel clerk, have that raunchy sex filled life every one dreams of. They fuck all over the city - whenever they want to, however they want to. But hot queer couples have problems.
Dylan wants more from Claudia without giving back her heart while Claudia wants romance and love. And to make problems worse, Dylan's mother HELEN, in the midst of her own mid-life-sexless-marriage crisis with her boring husband HANS, has nothing better to do than worry about her little girl who she images to be lost in the big city: single and lonely. When Dylan breaks up with Claudia everything starts to heat up. She has a hot three-way with her best friend TEO while a devastated Claudia checks out a new sex club and transforms into a mustached butch named "Claude". Little do either of them know that Helen's made a surprise visit to check up on things. And she of course checks Mommy is coming, and boy does she come!
Cheryl Dunye, a native of Liberia, holds an MFA from Rutgers University. Her fourth feature film, THE OWLS is presently making the rounds and national and international film festivals this year. Her third feature film, Miramax’s MY BABY’S DADDY, was a box office success. Her second feature, HBO FilmsSTRANGER INSIDE, garnered her an Independent Spirit award nomination for best director. Dunye’s debut film, THE WATERMELON WOMAN, was awarded the Teddy Bear at the Berlin International Film Festival. Her other works have premiered at film festivals and museums worldwide. Dunye has received numerous awards and honors for her work. She is based in Los Angeles and is an associate professor of Film at California College of the Arts

check out the trailer at bottom page
GendErotica 2015 is COMING
Ecco l'immagine di GendErotica 2015!
Grafica di Federica Italiano.
La mutanda dentata è una creazione artistica di Lara Bia