GendErotica is... coming!
GendErotica 2015 è il passo successivo inevitabile e necessario di GendErotica Fem della scorsa edizione. Il progetto nasce da quell’immaginario, dalle sue suggestioni e dalle contraddizioni che ha aperto. E’ evidente, anche nella comunità queer, la difficoltà viscerale a rapportarsi con la Queer Femininity, perché l’immaginario (e i preconcetti) con cui ci si scontra/confronta sono quelli del femminile etero normato.

GendErotica è no-profit, totalmente autoprodotta, autogestita e organizzata, vive del finanziamento dal basso e del sostegno di tutte quelle persone, associazioni, movimenti, collettivi, che hanno visto nel festival uno specchio in cui riflettersi per spostare il pensiero, moltiplicare le riflessioni, decostruire le semplificazioni. Per realizzare questo ambizioso progetto, abbiamo bisogno di chiunque abbia voglia di sporcarsi le mani con noi. Abbiamo bisogno di un gesto di complicità. Anche perché GendErotica sarà un luogo molto molto divertente in cui stare…
work in progress site

Esc atelier
ROMA 22-24 maggio 2015

eyes wild drag
Jimmy is trying to quit romance, cold turkey. An exposing, funny and tender look at queer and trans relationships including run-ins with the anti-monogamy police, online dating mishaps and figuring out figuring out whether to throw out or reinvent mainstream relationship ideals.
This smart, fast-paced take on dating in an age of social media and technology features visually stunning, highly interactive projections and sound.
Produced with the support of the City of Toronto through Toronto Arts Council, and the Ontario Arts Council's Theatre Creators' Reserve
Sunny Drake is an Australian queer and trans writer, performer and producer. Now based in Toronto, he has performed in theatres, festivals, streets, deserts, schools, basements & backyards in Australia, the USA, Canada, Puerto Rico and Europe. For “X” he won the 2013 SummerWorks RBC Arts Professional Award, as well as being named by NOW Magazine for “Outstanding Performance” and “Outstanding Design”. He’s currently in the midst of a 27 town tour across Canada and Australia with two of his one person shows, “X” and “Transgender Seeking”. Previous festival highlights include: San Francisco International Arts Festival (2010), NACL Festival (New York, 2010), three shows in the USA National Queer Arts Festival (2008, 2010, 2012), plus numerous Australian festivals including New Mardi Gras (Sydney 2009 & 2010), Midsumma (Melbourne 2009 & 2010), Metro Arts Independents 2012, the Brisbane Festivals UNDER THE RADAR (2009) and Feast (Adelaide 2009 & 2010).
Sunny was born and grown on Indigenous Jaggera-Turrabul land (Brisbane, Australia) and comes from English and Irish ancestry. Sunny is the author of a blog which uses personal story to explore queer and trans* politics, with over 70,000 readers in the past year. He is currently working on a book project.
Sunny has over 15 years professional experience in the arts, university and community sectors, as a consultant, educator, facilitator, strategic planner and project manager. As the inaugural General Manager of Propel Youth Arts, Sunny was instrumental in establishing this state-wide youth arts development and advocacy body in Western Australia. He has facilitated over 280 workshops ranging from trans* education to creative to political & leadership development workshops.
Sunny Drake & associates produce, create and tour exceptional multi-disciplinary work by queer and trans artists. We create work which transforms our world through magical, quirky, humorous and connected stories and experiences. We surprise audiences with the wide variety of people who relate to the works, whilst being firmly grounded in queer and trans aesthetics and stories. We also organise independent artist activities to generate connections between artists whose work is under-represented in mainstream cultural spaces.
Selected Press Review
Charming and disarmingly clever.. Drake is one of those rare provocative performers who are uber smart but ultra cosy at heart, wherever he took us he was in control even in those tender moments when it seemed he wasn’t one of the most interesting and touching performances I’ve seen in a while. I learned something too, and I loathe learning when I’m out, unless it’s done with subtle talented panache...Mr Drake. I’m a fan (Eric Page, Gscene, Brighton)
Sunny Drake’s show was a pleasure to behold, a sparkly moment in a life (Wotever World, London Oct 2013)
Beautiful, articulate, well considered and very sophisticated… Complex and difficult subjects are delivered in the most accessible and authentic way. It’s light hearted, fresh and wank free... Sunny drake is a progressive queer visionary. (Samesame.com, Melbourne, Australia)
SUNNY DRAKE “Transgender Seeking…”
(Australia-Canada – Italian premiere, exclusive for GendErotica 2015)
Sold out shows & rave responses in Europe, the USA & Canada
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check out the trailer at bottom page
GendErotica 2015 is COMING
Ecco l'immagine di GendErotica 2015!
Grafica di Federica Italiano.
La mutanda dentata è una creazione artistica di Lara Bia